Blending best of traditonal and Modern medical sciences for Root level healing
With you Every step of the way
Renew, Rejuvenate and Restore Your health at Integrative Onco
Reclaim your life From cancer Optimise your mind,
Body & Spirit
Activate your Inner Healing at Integrative Onco.
Reclaim your life from cancer. Optimize your mind, body and spirit.
Combining complementary therapies with mainstream oncology care to address patients' physical, psychologic and spiritual needs constitutes the practice of Integrative oncology.
By recommending these modalities symptom burden of cancer patients gets reduced , side effects can be managed and quality of life, improvement can be seen.
Our Doctors also enable patients to play a role in their care. Critical for most patients, this also improves the physician-patient relationship, the quality of cancer care, and the well-being of patients and their families.
Conventional therapy wellness program
Pre-Conventional therapy wellness program
(Includes Pre-Chemotherapy , Radiations and Surgery wellness plan) Read more
During -Conventional therapy wellness program
(Includes during Chemotherapy, Radiations and Surgery wellness plan to manage side effects) Read more
Post -Conventional therapy wellness program
(Includes wellness program to prevent cancer relapse) Read More