
  • Activate your inner healing at
    Integrative Onco

  • Blending best of traditonal and
    Modern medical sciences for
    Root level healing

  • With you
    Every step of the way

  • Renew, Rejuvenate and Restore
    Your health at Integrative Onco

  • Reclaim your life
    From cancer
    Optimise your mind,
    Body & Spirit


Activate your Inner Healing at Integrative Onco.

Reclaim your life from cancer. Optimize your mind, body and spirit.

  • Combining complementary therapies with mainstream oncology care to address patients' physical, psychologic and spiritual needs constitutes the practice of Integrative oncology.

  • By recommending these modalities symptom burden of cancer patients gets reduced , side effects can be managed and quality of life, improvement can be seen.

  • Our Doctors also enable patients to play a role in their care. Critical for most patients, this also improves the physician-patient relationship, the quality of cancer care, and the well-being of patients and their families.

Conventional therapy wellness program


Pre-Conventional therapy wellness program

(Includes Pre-Chemotherapy , Radiations and Surgery wellness plan)
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During -Conventional therapy wellness program

(Includes during Chemotherapy, Radiations and Surgery wellness plan to manage side effects)
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Post -Conventional therapy wellness program

(Includes wellness program to prevent cancer relapse)
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Our Integrative Therapies

Yoga, pranayama and meditation

Sound & Music Therapy


Natural therapies

Guided imagery and visualization

Diet and Nutrition